Sphynx cat and a bottle of coconut oil

Coconut Oil: Hero or Villain of Hairless Pet Skin Care?

The quest for flawless skin for our precious little nudies often leads us down the rabbit hole of skincare ingredients, and coconut oil is one of those ingredients that gets a lot of attention from those that swear by it and those that swear it off.

Most often the coconut oil debate revolves around the comedogenic scale and coconut oil's high rating on that scale. But what exactly is the comedogenic scale, and how reliable is it? Let's delve into its pros and cons, while also considering its alignment with pet-friendly values.

What is the Comedogenic Scale?

The comedogenic scale ranks skincare ingredients based on their likelihood to clog pores and cause acne. It ranges from 0 to 5, with 0 being non-comedogenic (least likely to clog pores) and 5 being highly comedogenic (most likely to clog pores). This scale can be a helpful guide when choosing skincare products, especially for those with acne-prone or sensitive skin.

Pros of the Comedogenic Scale:

1. Helps Choose Suitable Products: By knowing the comedogenic rating of ingredients, individuals can make more informed decisions about which products are best suited for their pet's skin type.

2. Prevents Acne Breakouts: Avoiding highly comedogenic ingredients can help prevent acne breakouts and keep skin clear and healthy.

3. Customizes Skincare Regimen: Individuals can tailor their pet's skin care routine based on their specific needs, whether it's dry, oily, or sensitive.

Cons of the Comedogenic Scale:

1. Limited Testing: The comedogenic scale is not an exact science and is based on limited testing and anecdotal observations. Different individuals may react differently to the same ingredient, making it challenging to predict its comedogenicity accurately.

2. Animal Testing: Most of the limited testing that has been done was conducted through animal testing; most commonly testing on the very sensitive inner ears of rabbits.  With this in mind, use of the comedogenic scale can conflict with our company values, as well as those of many consumers who prioritize cruelty-free products.

3. Based on Pure Oil: Almost all cosmetic products such as cleansers and conditioners are blends of multiple oils with a wide range of ratings on the scale.  This usually leads to a balancing out of the rating that, in theory, should bring down the comedogenic rating of the product. 

To assist in navigating the comedogenic scale, we've included a table below showcasing the comedogenic ratings of various oils commonly found in Mr Wrinkles skincare products. 

As you can see coconut oil is ranked at a relatively high level 4 on the scale. Which brings us back to the heading of this post, is coconut oil a hero or a villain ?  Ultimately, that is going to be up to you to decide and based on how your pet reacts to products with coconut oil in the ingredients list.  

At Mr Wrinkles we tend to ere on the side of caution and limit our use of coconut oil in blended products that do not stay on the skin such as our Soothing Skin Cleanser.  For products that stay on the skin, like our Revitalizing Skin Elixir, we avoid coconut oil, instead relying on unique oils that are low on the scale, such as the amazing pomegranate seed oil and seabuckthorn oil. 

We also only use the highest quality human grade ingredients and work with cosmetic chemist to create our unique oil blends.  Finally, as a member of the Leaping Bunny Program, we don't test on animals, we test all our products on happy humans before ever using on them on our precious little skinfants!





 Skincare Benefits

Jojoba Oil

  • Balances oil production in oily skin
  • Moisturizes and nourishes dry skin
  • Gentle and non-irritating for sensitive skin
Coconut Oil 4
  • Deeply moisturizes dry skin
  • Anti-inflammatory properties for sensitive skin
  • Can be comedogenic for oily skin, use sparingly
Olive Oil 2
  • Rich in antioxidants, protects and nourishes dry skin
  • May help regulate sebum production in oily skin
  • Can be heavy for some sensitive skin types
Sunflower Oil 0-2
  • Lightweight and non-comedogenic for oily skin
  • Rich in Vitamin E, hydrates dry skin
  • Calms and soothes sensitive skin |
Shea Butter 0-2
  • Intense hydration for dry skin
  • Soothes irritation in sensitive skin
  • May be comedogenic for oily skin, use sparingly
Pomegranate 1
  • Antioxidant-rich, protects and rejuvenates dry skin
  • Calms and soothes sensitive skin
  • Regulates sebum production in oily skin
Wheat Germ Oil 5
  • Rich in vitamins and nutrients for dry skin
  • Soothes irritation in sensitive skin
  • Can be too heavy for oily skin
Seabuckthorn Oil 1-2
  • Nourishes and revitalizes dry skin
  • Soothes inflammation in sensitive skin
  • Regulates oil production in oily skin
Vitamin E Oil 2
  • Antioxidant properties protect skin from free radicals
  • Soothes and repairs sensitive skin
  • Natural preservative in oil based formulas

* This table serves as a reference for those seeking to understand the comedogenicity of various oils and their potential benefits for hairless pet skincare. However, it's essential to remember that skincare is highly individual, and what works for one pet may not work for another. Additionally, this table only includes pet safe oils used in the making of Mr Wrinkles products.  Many other oils used in human products ARE NOT pet safe; so always check ingredient lists carefully and patch test new products if you are unsure how your pet might react to something new.


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